Thursday, March 27, 2014

Wedding Stuff

So, I should probably come up with a Wedding Wednesday theme or something.  Some clever excuse to talk about my wedding plans on a regular basis.  You know, like people do that "Throwback Thursday" thing on Facebook.  If you don't know what I'm talking about, it's basically a thing on facebook that gives people an excuse to post pictures of the past.  It's actually pretty neat to see some of the pictures people post.

As for Wedding Wednesdays, I guess it could give me a chance to chronicle all this wedding planning jazz.  After all, I'm sure I won't remember most of the planning when all is said and done.  I'll have to think on if I want to do Wedding Wednesdays (henceforth to be abbreviated Wedd. Wed.).  As we all know,  I'm really bad at sticking to schedules.

Until I decide, I'll go ahead and give a wedding planning update.  Our wedding date is set for the end of February.  So let the countdown commence.  T-minus 11 months to until "D-day."  Clearly, I like nicknames for things.  D-DAY.  That is the name I have assigned for our wedding day (thought of it just now, in fact.  geez, i'm clever).

D-DAY equals the day I take Mr. Man's last name and will officially become Mrs. D.  Or, I guess D-day can equal  Doom's day.  The day where I will be doooooomed for all eternity.  Either one works (I kid. I kid.)  What the heck does D-day really stand for anyway?  I mean, I know it has to do with some battle that was initiated on this said "Day of D".  However which war and which battle escapes me.  History was always my worst subject.  I guess I'll have to Google that one.

Anyway, yesterday me and mi madre went to check out a caterer.  We did the whole "come and taste our free food, eat up,  and get so full that you'll want to give us your money" thing.  Which of course we did.  We went.  We ate.  We got full and happy and rubbed our bellies.  We then said, "Here take our money.  Take our money and come make our wedding guests full and happy.  Take our money and make us some delish food so that our guests can rub their bellies too."

So that's one thing we can check off the list (yay!).  We officially have picked a caterer.  One thing down, seventy-five thousand more to go.  Next step will be to pick out our menu items.  That will be way later down the road.  Probably December-ish.  Which is good.  This way Mr. Man (I can't remember what I called him on my last blog, so this will the fiance's name here on out) will be able to come along and help me pick.

Here's what we ended up tasting:
Broccoli, Italian Chicken, and Rosemary Buttered Potatoes
I have to say it was pretty tasty.  Which I guess should be obvious, seeing how we chose to go with them.  I want to give a BIG thanks to my mom for helping out through this process.  I would be lost without her!  Thanks Mom!!

Speaking of yesterday, Mr. Man and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary.  It's been 3 amazing years.  I would insert a bunch of mushy stuff about how perfect we are for one another, how I love him more than I thought possible, how he makes me laugh when I'm in the grumpiest of moods, how he laughs at all of my ridiculous jokes, how I should've scared him off long ago but he's stayed right here, how I can't imagine life without him, how we talk for hours on the phone and never run out of things to say, or how he's my best friend and I'm so very lucky.  I could say a bunch of mushy stuff like that, but I won't.

Here are some pictures from the past three years.  I love the ones of us that are completely ridiculous because we can never be serious when we're together.

Like I mentioned, it's been a great 3 years and it's exciting planning for our future.

So that's all for today.  Have a great weekend folks!!

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